Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Good Times.. Good Times

Yesterday was a blast! We went to a place called Inveloch to learn more about dinosaurs and fossils. It was a 1 and a half hour bus trip there. During the bus trip, my friends and I were listening to music and taking pictures of each other. We laughed and talked about each other, teachers and other stuff. After the long trip, we finally reached. To our surprise, we were actually in a beach. First, we were told that we could look under rock pools to see what organisms lived under it. Then, we learned more about rocks and fossils. I wanted to take a few pictures of the beach but we weren't allowed to. After that, we went back on the bus. Along the way back, we ate our lunches. All in all, it was an good first excursion for me.

Here are some of the pictures I took on Tuesday:

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My B'day

Well, some of you would know that tomorrow's my birthday. Actually, I do have mixed feelings about it. You should know why I'm excited... It's my birthday!! Nervous, it's because I heard that people in my school do stuff to people on their birthday. I'm not sure what's in store for me tomorrow but we'll see. It's a new experience, so... Let's hope nothing really bad happens to me... Haha...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Before and After

Things have been pretty good since I have changed my character. Now, I am not afraid to sit alone by myself. I always tell myself that it's only my first week here, give them time and they'll in time treat you like a real friend not the new kid that just came. Also, I have been praying to the Lord to help me find favor with my friends. He answered my prayers!

Now, when I sit alone, there are people who come and sit with me, saying "Hi" and introducing themselves. Because of this, I'm really making a lot of friends. I wonder, do Singaporeans do that too? Or are Australians just friendlier...

My friends are now treating me like a real friend not just a new guy. Before, they've been playing amongst themselves, stepping on each other's foot and pushing them. When they turn to me, wanting to do the same, they hesitate and say "Oh, you're new. I won't do it to you...". Personally, I prefer them to do it to me than leave me watching them. I feel like a bystander. Now, I'm part of it now. Just today, 2 of my friends pushed me to a group of people. I apologised and then took chase with those friends of mine. I didn't feel insulted or offended or upset. In fact, I felt happy...

I'm starting to fluent in my conversations now. Before, I couldn't think of anything to say. Now, it's all better. Maybe's the fact that I treat them as good friends and not just friends.

I saved the best for last. I've been invited to a birthday party! Mum's wasn't sure at first because of the location but it's all sorted out now. Wow! I've only been in GWSC for 2 weeks and here I am receiving an invitation to a birthday party. God's really good to me. The only problems is getting her a present and the dress code: PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrggghhh.... Help...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Don't Expect Too Much In Your First Week

I am a perfectionist. I am conscious and I have high expectations for a lot of things. I've only realised that after the 1st week of school. How do I know this? Well, let me just tell you my side of the story.

It's been 1 week. As I have said in my earlier post, I have been with the group of friends I have made on my first day. However, there's more than that. I may be hanging out with them but I may not be included in their conversations. I am usually the one who listens to their conversations than contribute to the conversations. I do feel lonely and left out. I always think to myself: Am I boring? I must be because they're not talking to me as much as other people. You know, things like that. Also, I try to sit with my friends. If I can't, I tell myself: They don't like you as much as other people. It's so difficult for me to be in this situation so I told Mum about this. As I said earlier, she told me I was a perfectionist and I expect too much. "Son, it's only the first week! Of course they don't hang out with you much. You're new. You can't expect so much from them. You know, you have high expectations for many things! You must be thick skin. If you find yourself sitting alone, do it! " Mum said.

After that talk, I did some soul searching. Yes, it's only been 1 week. They don't know much about you yet! Go to school with an open mind. Be happy! If not, try to introduce yourself to people.... Yes, that's what I'll do...!!!

Has anyone of you been in the same shoes as me?

I did some soul search

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

School Problems

Things are pretty much the same since school started. I'm still hanging out with my friends which I made at the first day. But I'm still trying to make more friends. Boy, is it hard! I mean, ever wanted to talk to someone but were afraid to because he/she would think you're weird? It's quite scary really. Maybe you're not like me because you're sociable... I'm not...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

First Day In A New School With New People

I woke up at 7:50 am. It was extremely cold at that time. So, I decided to put on my jumper over my uniform. I looked through my bag for the last time so as to not forget to bring any books. Wouldn't want to give a bad impression! After that, I put on my black shoes and left the house.

Dad walked along with me to school as this was my first time. At the school crossing, he dropped me off and we said our good-byes (There wasn't any crying!). I walked towards the college entrance not knowing what was in store for me...

I was expected to meet a teacher when I reached the school. He would give me my new time-table for the first semester. When I received my time-table, he told me to wait outside the school office so that a teacher could show me to my first class. While waiting, a new student came up to me and started talking to me. She said she came from Queensland and just moved here recently. We chatted for a while before the teacher, Mrs Brookes told us that we were going to our classes now. At this point, I was getting really nervous!

First to be introduced was my new and first friend here in Glen Waverley Secondary College. Sadly, she wasn't in the same class as me. Her first period was Health and P.E. Mine was Health Education. It started out like this...

Mrs Brookes : Miss Dunsier, may I have a moment please?

Miss Dunsier : Yeah, sure... Go ahead!

Mrs Brookes : Thanks. Class, we have a new student here. He's called Nicholas. I hope you will make him feel welcome here. (Whispers to me) What's your next class?

Me : Info Processing.

Mrs Brookes : Anyone here doing info processing later?

A few hands were raised.

Mrs Brookes : Okay, I want you to show Nicholas around and where his next class is...

One of the students who raised up their hands : Sure.. You can follow us, Nic. We guide you...

Me : Thanks! Appreciate it...

After that, I sat in one seat and took out my stuff. I looked around me for a while (While I was listening to the teacher too!). 50% of the class were Indians, 40% of the class were Chinese and 10% of the class were Aussies! "Wow" I thought. I feel more at home now...

After Health Education, I went to Info Processing class with my new "tour guides". They were Wilson and Louyi. They were really nice people and even introduced me to their friends and their friends, etc... So it was really hard to remember. I was really thankful to God for giving me such wonderful friends. They showed me around the school whole-heartedly. Altogether, I made about 20+ friends in a single day! From this, I can tell, Australians are extremely friendly and sociable...

After Info Processing class, it was time for recess. We didn't buy anything to eat, but just chatted... Then, it was back to studies...

Maths was the next subject and we had a great teacher. Funny, a little strict and easy going. He even made jokes like "I may not be able to spell some of these words correctly. Hey, you can't be that good-looking and smart at the same time, right? Every guy has his weakness!" I enjoyed his lesson, except the part where he gave us homework... Sigh...

Lunch time! I bought chicken kebabs for $2! Wow, that's expensive. Worse, that was the cheapest thing on the menu. No one packs for lunch, so that means they either buy from the canteen or they don't eat at all... Poor people...

English. I hated the English teacher. There was a book which I couldn't buy because it was out of stock. I mean, I just came here a week ago. Then, that teacher scolded me for not bringing the book and even asking me to come up with solutions to how I would have the book. Come on! Give me a break. I'm new here and you just scold me for something I can't even do anything about. Anyway, one of my friends decided to share one with me. Finally, she stopped with her nagging. Wilson whispered to me "Screw her!"

Next class was Humanities. We were suppose to practice how to do a resume if you decide to take a part-time job. We practiced typing our resumes on the computer which took us 30 minutes. It was filled with packs of laughter as some of their personal details were a little interesting (and funny at the same time!).

The final bell rung. Time to go home! All my friends said bye to everyone, including me. I went to my locker and took my bag. Off I went...

To summarise the whole thing:

I really enjoyed school there. At first I was skeptical that I would make many friends here but it turned out wrong. God really helped me through this day and I pray that every day would be as good as this. If only I started school here earlier...

P.S: Told you it would be a long one!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

If... (Part 2)

Hey y'all! Everything went smoothly today. So, I will be starting school tomorrow. During the interview, we chose what subjects I would take throughout the whole year. Some of the choices were not to my liking, but hey... At least, I will be able to start schooling, right?

Alright, here are the subjects I would take (Some of them may be kinda weird):

Home Economics
Health & PE

Home Economics
Information Processing
Design Engineering
Music (Group Performance)
Standard Chinese

That's it! Expect to have a long post from me tomorrow about my first day. Wish me all the best!!!! :)

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


If things go well, I will go for an interview to choose what subjects I would take tomorrow. As I said earlier in the First Day Of School, Postponed, there are limited subjects to choose from. I could very well take a subject which I have no interest in at all! Also, if things go really well, I will start school this Thursday! I have already got my uniform, not the books. That's tomorrow....

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Flowers In Our Garden

Love the colour of this flower...

This flower looks crunchy and juicy, doesn't it?

The only fruit tree in our backyard (Other fruits may sprout in other seasons).

One of the tiniest flowers in the garden...

The orientation is correct. This flower actually faces downwards...

Love the many petals this particular flower has...

This is actually a wildflower which people usually want to get rid of in their garden...

This flower greets me whenever I look out of my bedroom window...

Friday, February 2, 2007

My First Train Ride (In Australia, I Mean)

I took my first train ride here in Australia. The train ride took us about half an hour to the city. After that, we shopped around the area. The city was something like Orchard or City Hall in Singapore. For lunch, we ate at Mcdonalds. Believe it or not, a plate of chicken rice in Australia costs more than a fillet-o-fish meal! Good news for all the other youngsters who want to migrate here...

After lunch, we shopped again for more stuff to bring back home. We also went to Chinatown. Their Chinatown is very different from Singapore's Chinatown. Here, there are more air-conditioned shopping centres. Also, they didn't sell much Chinese stuff. Then again, they are sold by mostly Chinese. 2 hours later, we went back home (finally). Almost fell into a deep sleep in the train... So embarrassing...

Oh, I forgot to post something about yesterday. We went to a family friend's house. They have 4 kids. 2 girls and 2 boys. We had lots of fun at their house. We played some sports, talked and laughed. Friends certainly play a big part in our lives.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

First Day Of School, Postponed

I am supposed to start schooling today. However, for some reasons, they delayed it. I was supposed to be interviewed again to know what subjects I want to learn in school (Yes, you can choose what subjects you want to learn here) before today. Somehow, it was pushed forward to next Tuesday! We were all quite irritated by this. Their system is quite slow and they did not even call us to inform us that the interview would take place on Tuesday.

Personally, I wasn't that angry. I was more of sad. I really wanted to start schooling today. I mean, I wanted to start school on the first day like the others. It's more 'official' this way. However, if I start school later, it would be like "Class, I want you to meet Nicholas. He is a new student and I want you to be friendly to him, okay?" type of thing. It's also quite hard to make friends this way as the other students had already made their own friends. I'm in a dilemma!