Sunday, May 31, 2009
Update (at 9:10am?!)
I just woke up 10 minutes earlier, getting for my Methods exam (at 11:05 am). I also realised that Deb didn't go to school. Not surprised since she looked so sick yesterday. Ironic, that she had the sickness just after camp.
Oh, I'm currently hooked on Kris Allen - No Boundaries.
We don't show Idol here (only Australian version). But I saw this song on Billboard, so I decided to listen to it. And here I am, lovin it.
Other songs that I'm liking very much:
Jessica Mauboy - Because
Keri Hilson - Knock You Down (ft. Kanye West & Ne-Yo)
Empire of the Sun - We Are The People
Kanye West - Paranoid (ft. Kid Cudi)
Linkin Park - The New Divide
// It's funny. I have never liked Asian music, at all. Even when I was in Singapore. I try to understand why. All I know is that their music is ALWAYS about love or being out of love. And it bores the crap out of me. :)
The only songs I have thought "Well, this is okay-ish."
Kit Chan & Su Yong Kang - Ai De Zhen Hao
Jacky Wu & Landy - Wu Ding
The songs from The Champion?! (The theme songs, I think.)
Wang Lee Hom - Hua Tian Li
That's it! Haha...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Post Dedicated To Declonica
Deb's at camp now, so it's pretty quiet around here.
So I went on facebook the other day, and say that my friend had said that...
"it appears u have some sort of sister/cousin complex"
At first, when I read it, I had no idea what it meant, so I asked her.
She said it's where you love your sister/cousin so much that you're overprotective over her. For example, if they have a boyfriend, you (i) would be jealous.
Then, she told me the things that would make her think that of us.
- Declonica (She could easily tell that it was Debbie, Chloe and my name mashed together.)
- The fact that we took SO many pics of us together.
- Nicknames for each other.
LOL! It does sorta look like I have a sister/cousin complex. But no... I love my sister and cousin very much but not in a overprotective way. We do these things because... I guess it's because we've been with each other almost once every week since birth. And now that Debbie and I are in Melbourne, we miss each other a lot. And when we are in Singapore, we take so many pictures to keep reminding ourselves to stay close to one another.
In conclusion, I couldn't have asked for a better sister/cousin. I'm very blessed to have such a close bond with you guys!
Had to find something to write about... :)

Friday, May 22, 2009
MYE (Stress)
My mid-years are coming (Yes pooie, I know you've done yours already) in 1 weeks time. I'm not nervous about the exam, but unsure whether I will be able to cramp all the information by then.
I'm studying 6 subjects;
English, Chinese, Maths Methods, General Maths Advanced, Biology and Chemistry.
I'm confident in most of them except the Maths subjects. Very worried about them.
So far, Biology is the MOST important subject of all because my Bio results will be taken in for my ENTER score (something like PSLE score).
So much stress. I'm breaking out too! Haha. :)
P.S: I'll probably blog again soon. But if I don't, it'll be because I'm in my room studying hardcore.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
And They Say You Can't Get Full Marks For Essays...
How many of you ever had a full mark for an essay (creative writing, etc.)? I HAVE!
And I'm so proud of myself that I am deciding to write the whole essay on my blog.
What a humble guy I am... :)
Basically, this essay is a persuasive essay, where I have to persuade the reader to side with my opinions on the topic.
I have written everything below...
P.S: Rabbitproof Fence is a movie, relating to this essay.
Topic - "Justice is achieved for those with power"
[Authorial choices]
Audience - readers who want to know if true justice is really served in our world, especially those who are about to reach an age where obeying the law is very important (young adults).
Form - It is a persuasive essay, meant to persuade the reader that there IS no ultimate justice in the world except the form of justice controlled by people who have power.
Context - This essay would be good as a newspaper article. I have used Rabbitproof Fence as one of my references and other examples to further prove my points.
Purpose - To put out my point of view on how justice is being served in our times. To also let readers know there are two sides to everything.
Language - I have used many rhetorical questions in this essay because I want the reader to think as they read this essay. As they think, they will start to agree with my views. I have also used inclusive language to make them feel included, slowly having no choice but to agree with this essay.
For centuries, the world has been split into different social classes. What sets these classes apart? The obvious answer would be wealth, status and power. However, there is another thing that these classes do not have in common; how they are judged under the law. The law is merely a tool to find justice. Although the law is universal, it does not always bring justice to everyone.
Before we go on any further, one has to ask, what is true justice? There is actually no answer to that, because there is no true justice in this unfair world. People like us create a sense of justice so that everyone will feel that they are treated fairly and morally aiming for since the beginning of centuries. What we don't know is that justice IS controlled, controlled by people with power. Authorities are allowed to implement 'justice' when needed. Who gives them the right to judge us under the law? Another example is the judge. A judge is someone who has the authority to sentence one to whatever punishment he deserves. A judge is merely a person too, just like all of us. And he can decide a person's fate without even knowing his life story or background. How is this ultimate justice?
Even as I write all this, some may disagree with my views on justice. This is because we all have different views on justice. As the saying goes: Justice is in the eye of the beholder. This means that different people have different opinions on what true justice is. Take Rabbitproof Fence for example. Mr Neville is of a higher status than the Aborigines in the country at that time. His view on justice states that all half-caste children should be taken away from their families and raised in a white family, so that the children will lead better lives than the ones they had with their original family. We have all been told to listen to both sides of the story before judging anything. But in the case of Rabbitproof Fence, did anyone listen to what the Aborigines think? No, and the half-caste children were taken away as Mr Neville ordered it, just like that. Why? Because he has power and he believes that justice would be achieved by all if the children were taken away, but instead not all (especially the Aborigines) feel that justice has been achieved. With this, everyone has different attitudes towards right and wrong. Each person develops their own idea of justice to meet their own individual needs. If true justice is meant to be universal, why is it that different people have different views on justice? There is obviously no ultimate justice in this world, only justice that some can control.
With power comes money and status. The people who have power control the justice system. Imagine a rich guilty man and a poor innocent man. The rich guilty man can hire the best lawyer to defend but the innocent cannot. Is justice being served? No. The best lawyers are determined by how much money a person can afford. Also, money can be used as a 'get out of jail free' card. Whoever thought of that idea must have thought that justice is still being achieved if the criminal can afford to pay his way out of jail. If this happens, how can the victim feel that justice is served if the criminal is allowed to be free? Justice was meant for the innocent to feel safe and the perpetrators to suffer the consequences for their actions. But not in this unfair world. Money is used to control justice, so how is it that justice is consistent towards everyone? Perhaps the only person who stood out against this corrupt justice system is Mahatma Gandhi. He fought for the Indians for their freedom from the British by proclaiming the power of love, peace and freedom. His courage and conviction allowed him to change history. He did not use money or status to control justice, but his determination to correct an unfair world helped to change justice as it is today.
Justice is not true and it never was. Instead, people with power control justice to make it seem that justice has been achieved. There are many forms of justice in the world. But ultimately, who decides what forms of justice should been implemented. By now, the answer should be clear. Gandhi fought his way to achieve justice not by how much money he has or how much power he has in his hands, but by his heart and soul. One should not use status, power or military to reform the world but by his own might and that force of spirit to make this a better place for all.
[Teacher's comments]
Excellent persuasive language, addressing complexities. Good use of specific examples. Excellent expression and vocabulary with only few minor errors. Great 'voice'. Well done! =)
Pictures to prove that I did write the essay and got a 100%.
Yes, I am too arrogant...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Stupid Malware
But it's gone for now. Thank god. I didn't waste my whole evening for nothing.
I feel like a geek. So pro at the computer... :P
Monday, May 11, 2009
The midyears are coming in about 3 weeks time and I'm studying as much as I can. Because I'm a nerd! Haha.
Okay, I am just bored now, so I'm updating now. :)
You can go now
Please leave
C'mon leave!
Bye! Comment.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Debutante '09 (Part 2)
Enjoy them as much as I did being taken in them :P

P.S: I have to say this... Congratulations to Emille Gugu, Uncle Aylwin, and my baby cousin, Shaun. Welcome to the family Shaun. Come to Singapore fast! You know all attention will be on you. :)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Debutante '09
Alright. I know you all have waited SO LONG for an update of my life. Well, I have a perfect update. It's been 2 weeks or more. And there it wasn't as eventful, until yesterday!
The Annual Debutante Ball was held yesterday. It’s where guys dress is suits and gals dress up in formal dresses. You can either go as couples or as guests (you had to be invited by couples to go). Well, I didn’t go as a couple because it was too expensive.
Dancing lessons - $100~
Suits/Dresses - $100-$200 for guys, $100-$300 for gals
Shoes - $50-$100
Make-up (including hair and stuff) - $50-$100
Limousine - $50-$100 per person
So you can tell that I wouldn’t spend all that money just for one night. Going as a guest, you would have to pay $68. And it was worth it, I tell you.
I reached there at about 6:30pm, and there were only 3 people I knew. So, I stuck with them until more people came. When everyone else came, we proceeded to taking pictures with everyone. It was so fun. Getting into random people’s pictures was the most fun. They were like “Who is this person just randomly coming into out pictures?” But it was fun and I knew that they wouldn’t mind…
Then the announcement came to tell everyone that the couples were going to be introduced. Then all the guests rushed to get as close to the “stage” as possible to see them come out. It was fun yet mesmerizing to see all the couples dressed up so nicely for this occasion. After that, the guests went back to mingling around.
After, we were told that the couples were going to start dancing. Altogether they danced 4 dances for us, including the waltz. Sure they weren’t as good as professional dancers but they did look like they were having fun. We weren’t (we had to stand and watch them dance the whole time; sian…).
Then the announcer said that the couples were allowed to mingle with the guests now. And so they did. Again, we took loads of pictures with them. Now, the main course had come. And of course I couldn’t miss out on the food, so I went back to my table to eat. The food was good but not great.
After a while, the couples were told to start their last 2 dances. Soon after, the real FUN started. Guests and couples got to dance together (like a party). So a DJ came and started playing fast songs for us to dance to. It was so fun jumping up and down and dancing wildly.
I remembered one part which was so fun. So there was a circle formed by some dancers (for the brave dancers to show off their best moves). I was having so much fun that I pulled my friends with me inside the dancers and started dancing. We were like “We’re Asians and proud of it!” Then the other Asians were like chanting “Asians! Asians!” for a short while. It was funny.
At 11:50, the lights went back on. And we were told that the night is over. I felt like I didn’t want to leave because it was SO FUN! But all good things have to come to an end. And I went back home at around 12:40am. And that was my day.
Best night of my life. No… best Friday of my life. :)
And the part you've all been waiting for... (PICTURE TIME!)
Longest post? Haha.