Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Random Question 4
Have you ever enjoyed the day so much that you actually dreamed about it again? I think I have... a long time ago.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Random Question 3
What about you?
P.S: I will get if the adults say that they prefer Times New Roman or Arial because it is more formal. But I'm a teenager and I prefer something more casual.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sigh... Just when the holidays are starting. This is why I'm also not catching Transformers 2 movie today. I want to watch it when I'm well.
I actually missed school on Thursday. And when I went back on Friday, I realised that many people were becoming sick too (just when the holidays were starting). I hope it's because of the winter season. Right now, I can see people putting "...sick" and "feeling sick" on MSN messenger.
Hope I get better soon.
P.S: Arrghhh. Chloe watched Transformers already... :(
R.I.P Michael Jackson
Well I think everyone should have known that Michael Jackson has unfortunately passed away this morning.
I was on my way to school in the car when I heard on the radio that reports have come up that Michael Jackson is dead. Although I wasn't a very big fan of his, I sorta felt sadness when I heard of his passing. The world has indeed lost a significant legend. :(
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Hangover
Monday, June 22, 2009
Random Question(s) 2
Yahoo or MSN messenger; what do you prefer?
Do you play songs on Windows Media Player or iTunes while on the computer?
Do comment...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Watcha' Think?
The beast beheld the beauteous blonde. Blown away by her beauty, he beamed. His body burned brightly like a blazing bush. But at the back of his brain, he believed that by no means would he be with her. He brooded over the blonde, bringing a tear into his black eyes. He blamed himself for being ‘brainwashed’ by this bewitching beauty. Suddenly, the beast stepped on a brown branch, breaking it into two. The blonde turned around, and saw the beast. The beast became bewildered and bolted. “Wait!” the blonde bellowed. The beast stopped and turned around. The blonde bustled towards him, her blondish hair blowing backwards along with the breeze. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” the beast blurted. The blonde moved closer, their bodies soon brushing against each other. He boldly braves up to look into her blue eyes. “The beast is beautiful on the inside, beastly on the outside. You’re too bold to believe that I’m born blind. But I see benevolence in you. I can also see the burden that you bear brings out the bitterness in you. But I beseech you, bother no more,” the blonde said. And with that, they embraced.
p.s: i know the poem doesn't really make much sense. But hey, try writing a poem that made sense with words that start with the same letter.The Weekend
So how have you guys been? Earlier today, Chloe informed me that the June holidays MIGHT extend for one more week. because of swine flu. And I got a little irritated. I think everybody knows that Melbourne has the highest rate of swine flu (as in the highest rate of swine flu being transmitted from an infected person to the next). And we still only have 2 weeks of holiday, AND still have to go to school.
"Maybe the reason why we have the highest rate of swine flu is because... schools aren't closed down yet". (Hintity hint hint).
Anyway, I was browsing through the school intranet and found that we HAD to do an assignment, which I thought didn't need to be done. Crap! So I have more homework during the weekend. Basically the homework is to write an alliteration poem on anything (half a page long), and it has to make sense. This particular assignment was inspired by a speech (made by the protagonist, "V") in a movie that we watched a few weeks ago called "V for Vendetta". The speech contains many words starting with the letter 'V', thus being an alliteration poem.

The speech:
VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant and vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me "V".
HOW COOL IS THAT?! Don't worry, I didn't know half the words in there as well.
So that's what I have to do for the assignment. Sigh.
What I got so far is: The woman wept woefully as the willows whispered. Her wish, wafted away like the winter wind. "When is the war going to end?" she wondered. Weeks went and the woman waited... and waited .
Doesn't make sense but still it sounds pro.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Anyway, I was watching videos on youtube. And one video led to another, and I came across a video of a skit in "All That".
At that moment, I felt so nostalgic. I want to go back to the old days where I used to laugh all day because of these shows. Perphaps my most favourite channel was channel 32 - NICKELODEON!
As we didn't have Disney after a while, we stuck with Nickelodeon. And it was so funny.
Grown-ups may not remember these shows, but here's a look at the good ol' days...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
It Is Done.
Overall, I think the exam was okay, but I could have done much better. Oh well, I was extremely depressed at first. Then, it was kinda replaced by me knowing that EXAMS ARE OVER!!!
But a lesson is learnt from all of this. I think my problem is cramp studying everything only a week before the exams. So now, I'm going to spread my study times. I have one more chance to redeem myself at the end of the year (EOY exams). And I intend to do my best. God has it all planned out for me after all.
So yeah, I'm slacking off. I went to tuition and learned new stuff for Chem. I love Chem.
Anyway, I heard a riddle from a friend. A good one actually.
*It's not a trick.
Riddle: It happens twice in a lifetime. But only once in a year. It appears twice in a week. But never appears in a day.
Answer: Next post. (Clue can be requested for)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Epic Day... Is Today
Will post about it later. Hopefully...
I still have tuition afterwards. Sigh.
Epic Day
Saturday, June 6, 2009
3 More Days!
So of course, I have been studying since my last mid year exam (on Friday). I came back on Friday and immediately closed my door, took out my Bio books and turned off my stereo. And there I went, studying as hard as I can.

Anyway, I'm resting now.
Btw, my old phone broke a few weeks ago, and I have to use Mum's phone for the moment. Actually, it could be mine now. Not too sure yet :P
And I was looking at the pictures taken with her phone and found funny stuff on it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
91% for Chemistry!
But this is SUCH BIG NEWS!
I have 91% for my Chem Unit 1 Mid Year Exam! (Highest was 94% so far...)

So far, all my mid-years has been finished. But the one that I really want to score well is BIO!
I am so so so so so so so so nervous for the stupid exam. And it's on next Tues.
Do pray for me guys. I need all the prayers I can get! :)
Sometimes love comes n' knocks you down, knocks you down...
Love that song.