Have you ever had someone talk bad behind your back?
Honestly, I think you have. Everyone has...
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not writing a pathetic post about WHY DO PEOPLE TALK BAD ABOUT ME BEHIND MY BACK? IT'S JUST HURTFUL! :'(
But I do have friends who do think about it a lot. Asking questions like "Why do they treat me so badly?" And I don't get why people judge, and say bad stuff about others when they don't know them that well, or even had a conversation...
I try to tell my friends to stop thinking about it. It's nothing.
And when something like that happens to me (Believe me, I had tons said about me...), I just think...
**You would have heard this a million times.
"These people have low self-esteem. They're insecure about themselves, and immediately try to look at the bad stuff about other people to also put them down. Kinda makes them feel that they're not that pathetic. In a way, they are jealous about how good you are."
Then, I look at the bright side of it, knowing that people actually take the time to think about me. So proud of myself. :D
I try not to think about it that much, and leave my troubles to God. In the end, it doesn't affect me that much. I should tell this to my friends...
Back to the question: Have you ever had someone talk bad behind your back?
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