Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It was the first time I have ever seen a hit-and-run up close in my whole life. It started when I was walking back with my friend. We were about to cross the road when a white car crashed into a red car in front of it, causing it to crash into an MPV in front of it. The MPV and red car stopped at the side of the road, but the white car sped off. Everyone was shocked, but "wowed" as well. They, including my friend and I, stayed behind to watch the outcome. The MPV driver asked us whether any of us saw the license plate of the white car. Most of us weren't sure but 1 girl managed to get a glimpse of it. After a few minutes, we left the scene. Scary...


nanie said...

that's so irresponsible of the driver... you have a cam phone? Should have taken a pic of it. I'm just glad you are safe.

Anthony Choo said...

The drivers of the red car and MPV did nothing wrong but were made to pay for someone's mistake. We all need God's protection.