Monday, August 6, 2007

6 Weird Things (as tagged by naniecheng)

I was reading a post in naniecheng's blog and I realised that I've been tagged! I even commented on that post and said I would write about it in my blog, but I haven't! I was supposed to write 6 things weird about myself. Thinking...


1. I still can't whistle! All my family members can whistle except me. I'm 14 and I still have no idea how to whistle. Embarassing and WEIRD!

2. When I'm bored, I like to walk around the house aimlessly. There is nothing in my mind while walking. I just walk and walk until someone tells me to do something. I never stop!

3. Like naniecheng, I don't mind listening to the same songs for hours and hours. Yeh.. Some of my family members do get bored with my songs. And one of my family members hate my type of songs. So.. he/she can get pretty pissed if I keep listening to the same songs...

4. I have a tendency to always brush my teeth in the morning. If I don't, it will always stick in my head. I'll never be able to do anything until I brush my teeth. It may not be weird to you but it is to me. I MUST brush my teeth before I do anything else. or I'll never rest easy.

5. This has been happening recently. I eat a lot! However, my body never gets to grow fat. I eat a lot during proper meals and snack a lot at night. Despite all this, I am still thin! I'm always telling everyone "I wanna grow FAT!" and they look at me with weird looks, "Everyone's obsessing to grow thin and you want to grow fat! Haha~! Be thankful for this."

6. I'm thinking so much for what to write for the 6th weird thing. I mean, this is not a test or exam... but I still keep thinking for what to write. I think a lot... Too much maybe...


Unknown said...

wow keke... this look s like fun! can i try?

Anthony Choo said...

Try lor!

nicnic93 said...

Sure.. I tag u chloe! Go write about it now~!

Unknown said...


heibao said...

I have the same "weird" habit No 3 like yours. I will turn on the CD player before sleeping and play the same song night after night. I usually fall asleep at the third song.

Anthony Choo said...

Haha, habit no. 3 won't apply to me during bedtime. I will fall asleep before I reach the play button. Envious right?

Anonymous said...

:) thanks for trying the tag. Now I know more about you.