Friday, June 19, 2009

Watcha' Think?

I spent almost the whole evening doing the assignment, and came up with this.

The beast beheld the beauteous blonde. Blown away by her beauty, he beamed. His body burned brightly like a blazing bush. But at the back of his brain, he believed that by no means would he be with her. He brooded over the blonde, bringing a tear into his black eyes. He blamed himself for being ‘brainwashed’ by this bewitching beauty. Suddenly, the beast stepped on a brown branch, breaking it into two. The blonde turned around, and saw the beast. The beast became bewildered and bolted. “Wait!” the blonde bellowed. The beast stopped and turned around. The blonde bustled towards him, her blondish hair blowing backwards along with the breeze. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” the beast blurted. The blonde moved closer, their bodies soon brushing against each other. He boldly braves up to look into her blue eyes. “The beast is beautiful on the inside, beastly on the outside. You’re too bold to believe that I’m born blind. But I see benevolence in you. I can also see the burden that you bear brings out the bitterness in you. But I beseech you, bother no more,” the blonde said. And with that, they embraced.

p.s: i know the poem doesn't really make much sense. But hey, try writing a poem that made sense with words that start with the same letter.


Anthony Choo said...

Good attempt. Try using some of the following:

...a tear in his BLOOD-shot eyes...
...on the inside BUT beastly...
...bushy bearded beast... no means would he be BY her side...
... as the beast BALANCED on a BREAKING BRANCH, his BULKY BODY mass let out a heavy BREATHER...
...blamed himself for being BEWILDERED by her...
...the beast turned BLUE and bolted...
...look into her BRIGHT blue eyes...
...the blonde said with a BEAMING smile...
...they BLITHELY embraced

- Bhe Bnd -

choyban said... guys zhen you mo shui! pei fu, peifu. :)

Debbie said...


Debbie said...

wow. nice phrases.

nicnic93 said...

very nice indeed.

soooo smart.