Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Trip So Far...

Here I am in Singapore. Believe it or not, I feel that time is going past slowly. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. But I am enjoying myself, no doubt about that. It's been very fun here.

11th Dec - Boarded the plane to Singapore.
12th Dec (10 pm) - Received compliments about my height from everyone in Mama's house (which is a good thing). But everyone was more surprised with Debbie's height. She shot up! Decided not to shower so I just put my bag aside, then slept.
13th Dec - Did my IC, finally... then did nothing much after that.
14th Dec - Visited Grandpa at the collabarium. After that, more relatives came to visit us in the form of dinner in a nice restaurant (Jodi, Jordan and parents).

15th Dec - Went swimming... and had my front tooth chipped. I did a somersault and hit my tooth on the floor. I freaked out... thinking nothing could be done. Then Chloe and Debbie assured me that it could be fixed. LOL. I was so scared cos this was my first time and I had no idea what fillings were. =P
16th Dec (today) - Did my fillings. Before that, we went ice skating! At first, it was scary. But got the hang of it after a while. The other two, not so... Then we went bowling. Didn't really bowl my best. But I did have 1 strike... in 3 games.... =.=

Then went to eat in a japanese restaurant. Mmmm... sushi... and other japanese food to long to remember. Thanks da gu!
Then went to the arcade to play several fun games.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 More Days!

Is it just me or has time fly past very fast? I guess its because there has been so many things going on that I sorta lost track of time.

First, my main computer got infected with a spyware, then finally, a virus attack. Now I can't even log in to my computer. I tried for days to fix it, but no luck. At the moment, I'm using the laptop to use the internet.

Second, I'm doing my holiday homework, and let me tell you... There's a lot!

Third, I'm repacking my room. It seems packing my clothes and packing my things has caused my room to be in a mess again.

Fourth (like I said), I'm packing.

Excited! ~

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Looking at the countdown on my computer, Debbie and Chloe's blog, we have finally reached a one-digit number! 9 more days till Singapore! So excited!


Mum and Debbie found a dead bird in the garden - torn to pieces. I was playing Xbox 360 when Debbie came to tell me about what she saw. I went out to see this bird and true enough, I saw what's left of the bird. You won't believe how many ants there were. So I used a broom and swept it into the dustpan and put it into a plastic bag. Mum asked me to tie a knot. :P

Then suddenly Mum squealed again. First, I thought that she saw another dead bird (and I was not looking forward to cleaning up another bird). But what she saw was the same bird, but with its body parts in a different location. This time, it was the bird's tail with an organ (probably the heart?). So I had to use gloves and pick up the individual feathers on the tail.

I wonder what will Mum and Debbie do with the bird if I'm not here... Haha...


I went to another party. Debbie tagged along, mostly hanging out with the birthday girl's sister.

An eventful day indeed.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

As Promised...

As promised, I finally cleaned my table. Before it was like this...

After 3 days, the table was still a little messy.

After 1 week, my table is finally clean (to me). The only reason that it took "long" to clean my table was because there were days in between where I just couldn't be bothered cleaning.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life After Retirement

Took a while but I finally got some information about life after retirement. Some of them are my own thoughts.

1. Pick a new hobby - Most retirees feel like time flies extremely slow. Sometimes, you need to just find a hobby to kill time. Some I can think of at the back of my head is painting, drawing, reading or even photoshoping (haha). I know that most retirees love to do gardening here.

2. Get active - Pick up a new sport, like golf, tennis or swimming. Walking is also good.

3. Join an organisation with a cause (Volunteering) - You kill time and the rewards are great. Since Mum is semi-retired, she is doing volunteer work at a non-profit Christian organisation. Grandma (retired) also helps out at the church...

4. Catch up with old buds - It's no crime rekindling your relationships with old friends from high school or even primary school.

5. Travel - My personal favourite. If you have the money, spend it on a well deserved trip. You've earned it.

Well, that's all I got.

Just remember that there is life after retirement. All those years of hard work has paid off and it's time that you sit back, relax and reflect on what you have accomplished. Since you're already at this stage of retirement, live it to the fullest! :)

Don't know if these two pics are relevant or not...

Friday, November 21, 2008


Yesterday marks the last day of exams, and school! Thank god. So now, I'm just chilling back, not caring about anything in the world. Exams are over... Time to celebrate!

But then, what am I gonna do in the holidays until Singapore? That worries me, a little. Not thinking much about it now. Cos I deserve a break.

Exams were okay but definitely in the "difficult" rank. =[
What's done is done, not fretting about it.

To heibao, I'll keep looking for what older people do after retirement. =]

On the last day of school...

OMG! I am short. I'll try to grow taller until Singapore. But then again, they are curries, and curries are generally tall.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today marks our last day of school. More importantly, the last class we'll ever have... as our class. It was a bittersweet day, as we were looking forward to not coming back to school (except for exams) until next year, but our class will be split up because of different subject selections.

I gotta say, I was really sad that this class was splitting up. ...Story time...

From the first day I came to this school, I felt that this class accepted and embraced me as on of their own. I was very comfortable with everyone and never made enemies with anyone. I was close to each one of them and so was everyone else. Being the "observant" person I am, I felt that our class was the most closest compared to others. In other classes I realised, people sat with people they were comfortable with. But this class is different. We were comfortable with anyone and could sit with anyone who had an empty seat beside them.

And with that, I thank 10e4 for accepting, helping and loving (=]) me during a time where I really needed it.

Picture time! *Some of my poses are bad, so..."


I am extremely busy... but I still wanna write this post. Look how messy my table is. I was bored so I took this picture to show how messy I am when I study. But then, I tend not to clean up after, so my room becomes untidy. After the exams, I will clean up my room (hopefully). Well now I'm studying biology bcos the exam is on Wednesday. 2nd picture is my biology textbook. Random, I know.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Another weather post. Today was cooling (thank you Lord). But you won't believe what happened in the morning. I was sleeping, but I kinda knew that it was raining heavily outside. And you know how you can tell if a light is shining even when your eyes are closed? Yeh, so anyway, a brief of light shone... and it was pretty bright.

Of course I knew it was lightning... but the thunder was the scariest part. A few milliseconds later, the loudest thunder I have ever heard rumbled.

It was SO LOUD IT SOUNDED LIKE I WAS JUST BELOW A PLANE GOING TO TAKE OFF! I woke up, fully awake and alarmed. But then, I decided to close my eyes for a while again. And, the light shone again.

"Oh no... Oh no..." and the next one was louder! I reckon the lightning struck pretty close to our house (leading to the loudness of the thunder). It was pretty scary but exciting too. Never experienced that in Singapore...


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Wah! So hot leh.

Today's temperature was probably a little over 30 degrees.
Don't really like this type of weather...
Was studying in my room for EOY exams.
Couldn't concentrate because of heat, and can't be bothered to carry a fan all the way from the rumpus room to my room.
So I used my "mini-fan/mini-heater".
Works both ways, and is very effective.
Could concentrate better.

But now, the air-con is ON!
This is why I'm taking a rest and writing this post.
And enjoying the cold.

Tomorrow is 30 degrees again.
Day after tomorrow is 23 degrees.
How random is that?!

Monday, November 3, 2008


A few days ago, I went to a party. Felt a bit out of place cos I was only one of 4 "asians" there. Btw, I'm not racist ar!

The birthday girl was going to leave the school after this year. So, since she invited me, I thought I should go...

It was pretty fun, a lot of music and games (including SingStar :O).

Only picture that I look okay in... =] But the picture is quite blur cos it was taken from a phone...

Monday, October 27, 2008


LOL! I don't like the fact that I see my friend's weird face every time I go to my blog. I'm sure you feel the same way too, yeah? So, I have decided to write another post.

Well, it says here on the coutdown in my computer that there's 43 more days left to Singapore. It feels a little like deja vu really... But I feel that this year has past by extremely fast for me. I think my mother started the countdown a few months ago (when there was 90+ days left to Singapore). Last year, I started counting down during... April?

Next month is going to be a stressful month. Exams and studying... I know everyone back in Singapore has finished their exams (looking at you, Chloe). Lucky.

Right now I'm still a little bit slack. Just preparing myself for the worst in a few weeks time...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

City Trip

My class took a trip to the city yesterday. Fun, but tiring to walk around...

Omg. Look at his face!!!

There are more on my friend's phone but... don't have 'em yet.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Her New Blog

Debbie has a new blog... (She asked me to tell you guys)...

Go check it out.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dad's Oil Paintings

In reference to "Dad's Latest Oil Painting", I decided to post past oil paintings from my Dad. They are so good for a beginner! But he's probably a pro now, right Dad?

My personal favourite. Miss ya Jean.

These portraits are actually on the same canvas. But for some reason... I can't find a picture of them both together. So, this will have to do. In these pictures, Gonggong's portrait was already finished but Mama's was 90% finished... =]

And of course there's this painting. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Singapore Day '08

Singapore Day! It is a time where overseas Singaporeans get together to taste real authentic Singaporean food and appreciate Singapore's talented people. As one would expect, it was a sellout! It exceeded maximum capacity (6000 people max.)!

We reached the place at 10:00 am. We expected to be early as the gate opens at 10:30 am. But surprise, surprise! Even overseas Singaporeans are just as kiasu! The queue stretched from here...

To here...

To here...!

While waiting for queue to move, we took a few pictures to pass the time.

After getting in, we went straight for FOOD! Debbie aimed for roti prata and I aimed for mee siam. It was a long-but-not-too long queue (20 minutes). The portion was so little though. But I expected that, seeing how there are SO MANY SINGAPOREANS in this place!

Now, we headed to getting goodie bags! I mean, who wouldn't like free stuff, esp. Singaporeans!

After this, we went to queue for chicken rice! Debbie took hokkien mee and Mum took char kuey teow. We were too tired to take any pics while waiting as it was so hot and I couldn't be bothered to hold a camera. I finally got it, and it was fairly good. But again, it was too small a portion. Sigh...

Then we went to watch a concert... It was so windy and cold that I had to walk in the sun for a while. This time I managed to take pictures.

Two hosts came on stage. I can't remember their names. If you know, tell me! They came with Gurmit Singh, in his ever famous Phua Chu Kang role. He was so funny like I expected.

Then a few singers came to sing songs like "Home" and other songs.

Then Daphne Khoo came up and sung 2 songs. Her voice sounded very chipmunk-like. But still good...

After a few boring performances, Phua Chu Kang finally came out! With his family! They introduced themselves, and did a skit about Melbourne and stuff... Like always, it was as funny as anyone would have hoped for.

Tay Ping Hui came out later and sang two songs. The only one I remembered was the theme song of HUANG JIN LU! I was very excited about that!

After, Hady Mirza sang two songs, one in Malay and the other, a U2 song "Beautiful Day". Didn't get to take any pictures because we were about to go back. Overall, a good day with a good theme.