A few days ago, I went to a party. Felt a bit out of place cos I was only one of 4 "asians" there. Btw, I'm not racist ar!
The birthday girl was going to leave the school after this year. So, since she invited me, I thought I should go...
It was pretty fun, a lot of music and games (including SingStar :O).
Only picture that I look okay in... =] But the picture is quite blur cos it was taken from a phone...
Err...the rest looked Asian too. (Not sure if you are aware; India sits in Asia)
keke...in UK, the word 'asians' includes indians but not chinese.
So now that I am in US, I have to remember 'asians' also include chinese. Change of mindset. Important esp when filling up forms - may ask for race.
haha. in aus, we call asians as chinese asians. we actually call indians: curries!
a little bit of info from the land down under!
LOL ppl here call curries the reject of asians =]
ok guys, we should stop further comments lest crossing over the delicate racist line. Be mindful this blog is accessible by all.
thats not racist...its just what ppl say...-_-''
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