As promised, I finally cleaned my table. Before it was like this...

After 3 days, the table was still a little messy.

After 1 week, my table is finally clean (to me). The only reason that it took "long" to clean my table was because there were days in between where I just couldn't be bothered cleaning.
Pic #1 >> 1 out of 10
Pic #2 >> 2 out of 10
Pic #3 >> 3 out of 10
Still messy but at least improving :)
lol I remember when you were in your room packing...Took shorter that one week I 5 days =]
Hi, yr 2nd pic looks neater than the 1st. But hor, I also noticed you transfer the "mess" onto the bench infront of yr organ. Keke...
Green Tea
Haha mine's slightly worse than your first pic. Cant be bothered to pack :/
green tea - omg. i didnt noe anyone would actually see that. haha. but my mum did point that out to me a few days ago. *and i was hoping no one would pick it up...
chloe - ok. that's nice to know :P
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