Thursday, November 13, 2008


Another weather post. Today was cooling (thank you Lord). But you won't believe what happened in the morning. I was sleeping, but I kinda knew that it was raining heavily outside. And you know how you can tell if a light is shining even when your eyes are closed? Yeh, so anyway, a brief of light shone... and it was pretty bright.

Of course I knew it was lightning... but the thunder was the scariest part. A few milliseconds later, the loudest thunder I have ever heard rumbled.

It was SO LOUD IT SOUNDED LIKE I WAS JUST BELOW A PLANE GOING TO TAKE OFF! I woke up, fully awake and alarmed. But then, I decided to close my eyes for a while again. And, the light shone again.

"Oh no... Oh no..." and the next one was louder! I reckon the lightning struck pretty close to our house (leading to the loudness of the thunder). It was pretty scary but exciting too. Never experienced that in Singapore...



nicnic93 said...

BTW, the picture was taken in Melbourne but not on the day itself. =]

Anthony Choo said...

pic taken by you?

Debbie said...

I thought that the first one was louder but i was half asleep when i heard the 2 one...XD

nicnic93 said...

anthony - no lah, take from internet. my photography skill not so good.

debba - XD

Chloe said...