Thursday, May 31, 2007

Party Party Party

Sorry I took so long to post. It's just that there's been a lot of homework here (never expected it though...). Here's what happened on that particular Saturday.

Yes, I attended another of my friend's birthday party. It was held in another restaurant, "The Pancake Parlour". So what we had for dinner was pancakes and ice-cream. Mmm.. Delicious! After a few minutes after eating, we got bored. So we walked around the place. Somehow, we ended up playing chess in the same restaurant. Two people played while the rest would watch. We picked the two best chess players and watched them.

Finally, we then watched Pirates Of The Carribean: At World's End. It lasted for about 3 hrs (Wow!). After the movie, we talked about the movie and how we felt about it. Personally, I liked the sound and visual effects and the acting. However, the storyline was a little off. There were a few times where I didn't know what was going on. But it was enjoyable. Lots of laughter filled the cinema.

Great day... Great day...


*++Hyper-Active-Gal++* said...

Hiie nic, the ending of POTC3 was a little strange. how could will turner revive? davy jones already stabbed his heart. anyway, sad for will turner. haha . so he may be a SECOND DAVY JONES since his heart was also put in the chest.

Anthony Choo said...

I watched the show last week. It was B O R I N G G G G. Dozed of couple of times.

nicnic93 said...

Yah, I was also a little confused... Oh well...

nanie said...

Yipee! You're back! You're back!

*runs round room like a mad dog*

OK so i will turn down my friend's invitation to the show.

choyban said...

hey welcome back.

kekeke...did not watch Part 1 or 2 so I can forget about Part 3.

Anthony Choo said...

I also didn't catch POC 1 & 2. POC 3 was FOC (company sponsored) so I mien chiang went to watch.

What I enjoyed most during the show? My popcorn...followed by the trailers (Die Hard 4).

nicnic93 said...

All in all, I'm still satisfied with the show... and the ending (i think)... ;)