Sunday, August 30, 2009

My First Auction

Last Saturday, Mum and I went to an auction. For a long time, Mum had her eye on the house, and she decided to bring me along. So, I went... and I really liked the house. It was probably the best house I have seen, and I was excited with hope that I could one day live in that house.

So, the auction finally started. And the price was slowly (maybe faster) rising each time someone raised their hand. I admit, for my first auction, I was pretty nervous throughout the whole process. And in the end, we didn't get the house. It was finally sold for A$890K. Sigh...

The house that I wanted to live in! Although weatherboard, it was a very cosy house.

Mum and two of her friends were in the midst of the crowd.


...we need more pics together...

Broke the three digit countdown! It's now a two day countdown! I believe that it is 98 more days to Singapore.

Seems like yesterday that I just came back into an empty house with an empty heart.

District 9

I've just realised that I have a tendency to wiki a movie after watching it, whether it was shown on tv or cinemas.

Earlier today, I watched District 9 with a couple of friends. As good as I expected, maybe better. And the movie isn't just your typical sci-fi flick. It challenges your perception on aliens and the concept of invasion. The movie is smart, refreshing and can be emotionally wrenching (depending on how "weak" your heart is.

Next movie: UP! (Hopefully...)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Can't Wait!

Ignited my interest once again when I saw this video...

Enjoy! :)

Ok, back to studying...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


For English, we had to undertake different identities. And with these, we had to interview each other on an issue that is currently a major topic in Victoria (recorded on camera).

Anyway, so it came to my turn. And somehow, somewhere in my interview, I said that Victoria was a country, A COUNTRY?!?!?!?! In case, you don't know Victoria is a state.

I think that I just froze and my mind just went blank.

And, we're going to watch the interviews tomorrow in class. It's going to be so embarrassing. O_O

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Marley And Me

Romantic dramas don't move me.
Family dramas don't bring a tear.
But a movie about a dog with a sad ending makes me bawl like a crybaby.

So my friend lent me Marley and Me and I have always wanted to watch it. And overall, it was a good movie, but not as good as the book. BUT! The ending. The ending. Because I've read the book, I kinda knew when the sad part was coming, and it did. And I started tearing up...

Pretty much after that, I was a big mess. But the movie did bring back happy and sad memories. Recommended as a movie for dog lovers out there, but beware the ending.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Joanne in Oz

I just saw Joanne Peh in a Jetstar commercial here in Oz.

She IS that popular now... :)
If only I could meet her... Chloe? (Inside joke).

Saturday, August 15, 2009


This video reminded me of the old days when we used to sing all these songs on National Day.

I am embarrassed to say that I only got a few songs correct - "The Pledge", "We Are Singapore". The non-english songs was a failure... What Kaykay said at the end almost matched what I feel when I return to Singapore. Very true indeed.

P.S: YES, SINGAPORE IS NOT PART OF CHINA! People get it right...

(What songs did you get right?)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Thoughts...

I am bored.

I was about to write this post when I thought... Do people think your life is boring if you don't post anything? Hmm... Hope not. But currently, my life is quite boring - with all the studying. Perhaps the only thing keeping me here is going back to Singapore.

Does everyone have something to look forward to in their lives right now - to get through life at the moment?

I feel that if I don't, I would be hating life a little bit more. But on a positive note, I do! And I CAN get through life. Just a few more months and back to Singapore.

Yes, I know that I have had many posts about Singapore and the waiting period. You can't blame me. I love Singapore too much. (Should have a mood meter at the top of my blog. Everyday, it would show "Nostalgic".)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I'm happy. Over the moon, happy.


Saturday, August 1, 2009



... isn't it?