Sunday, August 23, 2009


For English, we had to undertake different identities. And with these, we had to interview each other on an issue that is currently a major topic in Victoria (recorded on camera).

Anyway, so it came to my turn. And somehow, somewhere in my interview, I said that Victoria was a country, A COUNTRY?!?!?!?! In case, you don't know Victoria is a state.

I think that I just froze and my mind just went blank.

And, we're going to watch the interviews tomorrow in class. It's going to be so embarrassing. O_O


mycanon30d said...

Yes, speaking in front of camera and audience can be nerve wrecking. My first speech in front of camera was during my uni days, also in an English class.

What I can say is that the more you do it the better you become. I was fortunate to be given many opportunities to speak in front of soldiers, sometimes as large as 300 strong.

Few can speak naturally and publicly with ease. Many has to develop the skill. I encourage you to speak more and engage yourself in discussions and conversations with your friends and relatives more often.

Everyday is a learning curve. The steeper the curve, the better.

mycanon30d said...

How did the review go?

nicnic93 said...

It went good, only one person picked it up.

Thank god.

Anthony Choo said...

Haha, the rest didn't know too?

nicnic93 said...

I think so :P