Thursday, March 22, 2007

Casual Wear Day

This was known as Casual Wear Day. I found it pretty clever for my school to think of this. If we wanted to wear our casual wear, we would have to donate $2 for some foundation (I can't remember what it was). Also, you could wear your national costume, but you would have to donate $2 as well.

There was an overwhelming response. Most people wore their casual wear, with some wearing their national costume, especially the Indians.

During lunch, we were all entertained by a few Greek guys dancing a Greek traditional dance, I think... There were also wushu artists and break-dancers. It took up half of our lunch times, leaving us a short time to eat. But it was really good and entertaining.

P.S: I did wear my casual wear...


Anthony Choo said...

Son, you remember daddy used to wear casual to work on Wed and Fri? Citibank call it dress down day but we don't have to pay :)

*++Hyper-Active-Gal++* said...

how long is your lunch time?

nicnic93 said...

Well, if I'm not wrong, it's about 45 minutes.

nanie said...

that's really innovative!