Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well, I'm back in Aus. I have already spent a day here but I'm still not used to it. From the moment I stepped out of the airport, it felt like I was going on a holiday. What does that mean... it means that my home is in Singapore. I didn't know why I felt like this, but I just shrugged it off. The taxi drove us back home and it was a very quiet drive. I guess everyone was tired and missing home. Most of the time I looked outside. Everything looked and sounded different. At that moment, I felt an emotion I never really felt before - homesickness. I looked around the taxi and saw the three of us and I felt so lonely. As the taxi was big (like a mini-van), I could see how small our family is. "So, this is how this year's going to be again..." I tried to be optimistic, but it was hard to. Back at home, I lived with at least 7 more people. It may have been crammed but I felt more at home. Whenever at night, everyone came back from work and we would gather together to watch some tv. I missed that...

When we reached home, it felt like I was going in a hotel. Why was that again? But now entering the second day here, I have accepted the fact that this is my new home. Another question would be why didn't I feel this before? That I still can't explain. But now that the house look pretty messy after unpacking, I feel more at home... (I'm not saying that mama's house is messy. It's just know what I mean)


Anonymous said...

I felt the same way too when I left home for London & Boston after a short stay. We humans don't like changes or being apart from loved ones but sometimes such is life (sigh). But trust me, before you know it, it will be December again. :) :) :)

heibao said...

Hi Nic, you are growing up and more matured now. I share your feeling. I experienced the same emotional gap some 40 years ago when I left the poor and remote hometown for the then not so modern lion city. I was alone then but you are joined by your mum, sis and daddy. You will surely adapt well to the new envoirnment and grow strong. All the best.

Chloe said...

Missing you and debbie.

nicnic93 said...

I believe that time will fly by very fast and Dec will come quickly. =] Missing everyone already...