Thursday, December 17, 2009

Avatar (The Journey & Movie)

The picture tells it all. The most anticipated movie of the year premiered today and we were lucky enough to catch it. But it wasn't all that smooth. Not the movie, but the journey to the movie.

As it is a 3D movie, I decided to wear contacts that day. After wearing the contacts, I felt something in my right eye. But I tried ignoring it. And so we left the house. Chloe and Debbie were sympathetic enough to ask me repeatedly if I was alright. They both offered their own advice. In the train, I couldn't take it anymore and took the first advice that I heard at that point.

Debbie: When this happens to me, I always press my palm on my eye and push right, left, clockwise, etc.

And so I did. My sight kinda blurred, but I thought it was because of my eyes tearing. When we reached the station, I realised (with shock), my right contacts had gone. I was freaking out that it fell without me knowing. I DID NOT want to watch AVATAR with only one clear eye... I was scared and pissed at the same time. But I did feel that the top of my eye was painful. Chloe told me that the contacts had gone to the top of the eye and not on the pupil. So I rubbed my eyelids and the contacts came off! I was so relieved, but then I had to put it back in.

And so we ran to the Cathay building and went into the "handicap" toilet. I put it back in after wetting it. To be safe, I wet my eyes with water. And it was fine! Phew!

Back to the movie. The movie is a breath of fresh air. Nothing I have seen before. The images are spectacular, colourful, exciting and WOW in 3D! I have nothing but great reviews for the movie, both story and acting wise. James Cameron really outdid himself. Hope it does well! The movie deserves it.

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