Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Livin The S'pore Life

Hello lah! I'm finally in S'pore, and it's so surreal. For the past year I have been waiting for this day, and it seems that I'm trying to cherish every moment I have here (maybe that's why time moves by slowly).

What can I say about the weather...? It's hot and humid and I'm always sweating. But it's pretty alright with the help of fans. I always love the mornings as they are cool but not too cold. Just right for moa... =]

It's been eventful since I've been here. Just yesterday, I've went to karaoke and watched a movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks. And MUST I talk about the food? So far I have eaten chai tau kuey for 3 days straight. But I think I'll take a break today... =p The food... It's so good here. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........

So in all, I'm enjoying myself. Let's hope everyday would be like that...


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