Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today marks our last day of school. More importantly, the last class we'll ever have... as our class. It was a bittersweet day, as we were looking forward to not coming back to school (except for exams) until next year, but our class will be split up because of different subject selections.

I gotta say, I was really sad that this class was splitting up. ...Story time...

From the first day I came to this school, I felt that this class accepted and embraced me as on of their own. I was very comfortable with everyone and never made enemies with anyone. I was close to each one of them and so was everyone else. Being the "observant" person I am, I felt that our class was the most closest compared to others. In other classes I realised, people sat with people they were comfortable with. But this class is different. We were comfortable with anyone and could sit with anyone who had an empty seat beside them.

And with that, I thank 10e4 for accepting, helping and loving (=]) me during a time where I really needed it.

Picture time! *Some of my poses are bad, so..."


heibao said...

Hi Nick, can you report or post something for the older people such as how they spend their time after retirement ? Cheers

Anthony Choo said...

Haha, heibao, thats a good one b'cos I belong to the next generation (afer yours) to think about retirement. Want to try oil painting?

Nic, I can associate with how you are feeling. Its natural especially when you are so comfortable with each other. Nevermind lah, you will make new acquaintances and stay in touch with the old ones.

Looking fwd to your coming back!

Debbie said...

LOL...I was in the classroom behind yours when you guys took the photos