Thursday, January 11, 2007

The first 5 days

After reading my first posting, I realised that I didn't really elaborate on the first few days that I have spent here in Australia. Alright, here goes...

Day 1 - It was really hot when we arrived here. Once we went out, the houseflies were flying all over our heads. Really irritating! Upon reaching our uncle's house, we quickly unpacked our luggage. That day was a lousy day for all of us. We felt dehydrated and tired. Also, our room did not even have an air-con! Couldn't take it at all! I couldn't sleep throughout the whole night. It was really bad...

Day 2 - We woke up feeling quite good as it was very cool outside. Very 'shuang' ah... My parents drove around to look at houses - something like window shopping... You just look at the houses but not buying... Debbie and I stayed and played Xbox 360. Should really buy one if you are free most of the time..hehe..and rich maybe..

Day 3 - Again, my parents went out looking at houses. This time, they went to an open house. When they came back, they reported that it wasn't their ideal house. Smelly, rundown and dark. In the evening, Debbie and I went to the lake to feed some ducks and hopefully, a pelican. We were a bit disappointed as the ducks and pelican were fed already, thus not hungry at all.

Day 4 - My parents took a little break today. They decided to follow us to the lake to feed the animals. We took a few pictures which you will see. My mum was extremely cold after a while. This time, we were not that disappointed. The ducks were hungry! Day 5 - 37 deg! That was the temperature for the day. Sigh, we felt a little lousy like the first day. However, my parents still went house hunting. Feel so sad for them ah... I also feel a little guilty also as they had to rent a house near our schools. My mum can't drive and father would not be there to drive us anywhere. But I'm sure our Heavenly Father will help us along the way..


nanie said...

the photos are very nice... this looks like such a nice neighbourhood.

Ya...the summer in australia can get quite hot and dry, even hotter than in singapore. When i went there in the summer twice, i had such bad headaches from the heat and the intense glare. Remember to use your sunscreen, UV sunglasses and wide brim hats.

Oh and I so agree that the flies are really annoying!

choyban said...

Yes...the flies are really irritating. It was pretty hot and dry here in summer too. But the dryness helps to keep perspiration at bay. Ya pls remember the sunscreen - very very very important.

*++Hyper-Active-Gal++* said...

The photos were taken by your daddy?
at first i thought that you were your dad! hehe

nicnic93 said...

Haha..really, I don't think I look that much like him...Especially the hair..hehe

nicnic93 said...

Oh, by the way, my sis has a new blog too.
Go check it out.