Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Interview

I just received news about my registration into the Glen Waverley Secondary College. My parents were told that there's no guarantee that I would get a place into the school as it is quite full now. However, the vice-principal would interview me this Thursday to see if they want me in the school or not. After hearing this, I felt nervous straight away. I mean, being interviewed is not my forte. I can get quite jittery sometimes. Mum and Dad told me not to worry as they just want to see if I'm able to blend in. But I don't think it's that simple. I'm sure they want to know if I am fluent and chatty, which I'm not. Sigh... This reminds me of naniecheng's job interview. It must have been quite scary for the first few times, right? Well, your prayers are greatly appreciated. I need His strength and grace to help me through...


heibao said...

Not to worry unnecessarily. I believe it is part of their formality, i.e. the principal must get to know all the "intruder". Academically, you are more superior than most of them in the standard. I only worry if you can not catch him when he speak with heavy native slang. There is a verse from the Bible : My Strength come from the Lord. I wish you all the best and congratulate you in advance.

nicnic93 said...

Thanks heibao for your encouragement!

choyban said...

Hey just do your best. Those jittery feeling will disappear once you are into the interview. You will be fine. Don't worry so much, ya! Jiayou.

*++Hyper-Active-Gal++* said...

GRIT YOUR TEETH and do your best... remember "do your best and God will do the rest" have faith in yourself. you can do it