Saturday, January 27, 2007

Take A Hike...(Not Literally)

Just 2 days after the fishing trip, we went hiking. We set off at 9:00 am and were expected to return home before lunch. We were told that we were going to climb 1000 steps up the mountain, some steep and some gradual. This mountain would be known as Dandenong Mountain.

At first, we walked up a slope. Then, we got to the steps. While walking up, we rested several times. When we reached an estimated 200th step, Debbie decided that she couldn't climb anymore. She felt extremely tired and needed to go back down to rest. Dad followed her back but my uncle, auntie and I continued. Halfway, I started to sweat a little. My legs were feeling wobbly then. With much determination, I finally reached the top!

Now that we have finally reached the top, we had to make our way back down. It was a slow but smooth walk down the slope. While walking, my uncle and I chatted about movies. When we reached ground level, we saw our father taking pictures of the scenery (to be expected). Debbie was feeling much better.

Some of you may be asking "I didn't know you liked doing such things?" Well, I do it because the weather is perfect for hiking. If it were to be in Singapore, I would forget about hiking!